Monday, 26 August 2013

Time Rifters 0.3.2 - Dubstep

The Oculus/IndieCade VR Jam is officially over and the full demo of Time Rifters has been submitted.

Try it out now:

Changes for 0.3.2
- Added Time Rift effect (like water ripples) to the exit of the Time Clone room
- Added music visualizer to the clone room
- Added 3 music tracks
- Created a title screen widget
- Added the logo to the level complete widget & changed text
- More accurate replays of enemy positions
- Fixed horrible Rift tracking bug introduced in 0.2 (only seen if you didn't try 0.1 first)

 For more updates please follow us on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and/or Google+

Monday, 19 August 2013

Time Rifters 0.2 - Boss Battle!

Try it out now:
- Area 2 - The boss battle
- New control schemes (head aiming, decoupled, keyhole)
- Reworked HUD for better visibility
- Moved the camera pivot to give a better view when looking down
- Each time clone now has their own unique color
- Integrated Oculus’ new SDK (0.2.4) which includes the automatic yaw drift correction

Smaller Changes
- Mag correction status widget
- Control scheme status widget (with input sensitive hint)
- Modified door sound effect to match animation better
- Darker lighting in the time clone room
- Pressure plates flash so they are easier to spot
- The target of the pressure plate shares color & flashing
- Added bridges with lights tied to pressure plates
- Added holographic resource cube to resources widget as a hint
- Created an earthquake effect
- New transition animations and sound effects for visor widgets
- Added level complete widget & level switching logic
- Added basic save state logic for level transition
- F4 will restart from the very beginning
- F1 or Start will restart the current area
- Changed wording from ‘Progress’ to ‘Remaining’
- Created the boss widget
- Extended shadow distance so the pit darkness worked
- Upgraded from Unity 4.1 to 4.2
- Added glowing effect to rifle
- Removed incorrect dynamic lighting from low & medium quality settings

We really appreciate all of the comments that we received on Time Rifters 0.1, a lot of the feedback was incorporated into this new version. We would once again appreciate any feedback on the new version.

For more updates please follow us on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and/or Google+.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

VR Jam Week 2

What an awesome week it has been!

It started off with the first demo release of Time Rifters, which has received a very postive response.

A bunch of the feedback that we have collected so far will be incorporated into Time Rifters 0.2, which we are hoping to release on Monday. The best part about 0.2 is the awesome brand new level.

The week ended with us needing to submit a short video of our game's progress to IndieCade/Oculus in order to complete milestone 2 of the VR Jam. Our goal was to create a 30 second teaser trailer, however the video doubled in size, as estimations usually do.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube and/or Google+ as there are lots of great things in the very near future: Time Rifters and beyond, plus we are considering doing a post mortem of our VR Jam experience.

In the meantime, sit back, relax and enjoy the Time Rifters Teaser Trailer:

Monday, 12 August 2013

[Demo] Time Rifters (Single Player Co-Op FPS)

Ever wanted to play a multi-player game where you control all of your team mates? Now you can!

Time Rifters is a single player co-op game where 'time rifts' allow you to be your own team mates. Unlock upgrades and customize each of your time clones. Strategically plan your attack with yourself in the past & future.

Our game for the Oculus/IndieCade VRJam is progressing well, but we would love to know what you think. Feel free to check out the demo and leave any feedback/comments on our facebooksub-reddit or twitter.

Check out the Time Rifters Download section for the latest build.

Monday, 5 August 2013

VR Jam - Day 4

Here’s the first look at our main character and one of the in-game weapons. We found both in the Unity Asset Store, and are using them as inspiration for the level art style.

This is an Oculus Rift view of the model:

The next couple of days are going to be spent focusing on expanding the actual gameplay logic, level art style, and control schemes.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Oculus/IndieCade VR Jam

We are officially signed up to be part of the Oculus/IndieCade VR Jam that starts tomorrow. Should be a fun and interesting 3 weeks!

We will be posting updates throughout the competition so stay tuned.